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Follow a holistic, cross-campus approach

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 targets pledge to Leave No One Behind. We apply this principle and take a whole-of-university approach that starts with awareness.

The McMaster Health Forum is part of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), which promotes integrated approaches to implementing the SDGs.

This SDSN guide includes a step-by-step process on implementing the SDGs.

1: Create awareness across campus about the SDGs

  • Facilitate collaboration between faculty members, researchers, and other stakeholders
  • Get students on board with events like SDG Awareness Week, UN75 Dialogues, and support student-led activities and initiatives

2: Measure and map what’s already being done

  • Identify key stakeholders and research activities that are already happening
  • Identify strengths and gaps to better identify priorities and actions

3: Identify opportunities and priority areas that align research goals with the SDGs

  • Build capacity and ownership of the SDGs among researchers
  • Collaborate with community members and other stakeholders

4: Integrate the development goals into curriculum

  • Commit to focusing on the SDGs in all elements of research design and implementation

5: Monitor progress and share lessons learned

  • Allow for cross-institutional collaboration, monitoring progress of research and impact along the way

Let’s meet the goals together