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International Collaborating Data Gathering for SDG

McMaster University participates in international collaborations on gathering and measuring data for the SDG’s.

Expanding the Scope of Social Systems Evidence

With a growing international focus on evidence-informed policymaking to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), McMaster University is expanding the scope of Social Systems Evidence (SSE) to cover all of the SDGs. Social Systems Evidence is the world’s most comprehensive, free access point for synthesized evidence about strengthening 16 government sectors and program areas.

The Social Systems Evidence is an initiative of McMaster Health Forum and the Monash Sustainable Development Institute.

Health Systems Evidence (HSE)

Created by McMaster University, Health Systems Evidence (HSE) is the world’s most comprehensive, free access point for evidence to support policy makers, stakeholders and researchers interested in how to strengthen or reform health systems while making programs cost-effective and providing services and products to those who need them. HSE is recognized by the World Health Organization as the best source of research evidence about health systems. Over 13,900 registered users currently make use of its customized evidence service.

McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA) Open Access Database

The McMaster Institute for Research on Aging is a cross-faculty research institute that advances the science behind aging. By examining biological, behavioural, technological and environmental factors that affect how people age, this research is optimized to create useable, practical, older-adult centred solutions that promote aging in place. MIRA aims to improve the health and longevity of the aging population through leading-edge research, education and stakeholder collaborations, while upholding the value of integrity, excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration and transparency. This McMaster research institute provides open datasets regarding studies on aging for anyone to use.

Global Antimicrobial Resistance Database (CARD)

The CARD database grants scientists, government, and non-profit institutions on-demand access to global superbug data to help prevent the next global health threat. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing health threat, especially in communities with poor access to health care, sanitation and housing. Developed at McMaster by Andrew McArthur and Gerry Wright, professors in the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, CARD is a rigorously curated bioinformatics database that contains the world’s knowledge of antimicrobial resistance genes.

Quantification of Water-Gender Interlinkages for Greater Inclusivity

Hosted at McMaster University, the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health is working on the Quantification of Water-Gender Interlinkages for Greater Inclusivity. This project provides a numerical assessment of the status of women’s representation in the water sector in individual countries/regions of the world, and hence – a basis for moving beyond just broad calls for gender inclusion in the water sector. This requires identifying relevant gender-responsive indicators, the metrics, scoring systems, and the design of methodologies to harvest data from various sources into national and global indices. The goal of this project is to identify, collect, and examine available data for quantitative assessments and identify data gaps that need to be filled while delivering knowledge dissemination programs on water and gender-sensitive water management to a wide range of stakeholders.

No One Left Behind: Promoting and Protecting Global Human Rights

McMaster researcher Bonny Ibhawoh is a UN expert Mechanism on the Right to Development, as named by the UN Human Rights Council, which makes him responsible for monitoring and reporting on conditions related to the right to development. His work seeks to address systemic inequalities and human rights violations globally – issues that have been amplified by the COVID-19 global health crisis. As the Canadian government ramps up efforts to reduce discrimination and poverty here at home in support of SDG 10, Ibhawoh is working tirelessly to advance equality through his research and service in global human rights and peace and conflict studies.